Monday, November 9, 2020

White Bread with Cheese Topping

400g levain (can replace with Poolish)
800g bread flour
20g salt
10g yeast
550g water
10g soya flour

  • add all ingredients in a mixing bowl with paddle attachment
  • whisk under low speed for 2min and medium speed for 3-4min till clean up stage
  • add some oil and mix again under low speed just so that the dough don't stick to the bowl
  • cover the mixing bowl with clingwrap and leave for 1-2 hour till dough double in size
  • place dough on workspace and fold the dough - NSEW
  • intermediate proof the dough for 10-15min
  • divide the dough into 3 parts, round it and place in a baking tray (no oil)
  • final proof for another 40min
  • sprinkle shredded cheese, icing sugar and pipe mayonnaise on the bread
  • bake at 220°C for 30mins (no fan) - 10min into baking, open the door of oven to release steam and reduce temperature to 200°C... after another 10min reduce the temprature to 180°C
  • do note that during baking, the bread with rise but it will fall again once out of the oven because of released air... but the bread will still be soft

Foodnote: Very nice bread with the cheese, though will also be nice on it's own. I cooked chicken curry and it is really yummy. The top is a bit sweet and crispy. Very happy to learn to make this bread.

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